I took the time out to design this entire page so you better read and enjoy what I have to offer. I am a Computer Science Major who loves Technology but hates Math. I enjoy Web Design and Cyber Security. I also have a passion for gaming which is why some of my socials here are linked to those pages. Okay have fun and browse around!!
Let's dive into the mind of Romain for a second here..I've been reading a lot more lately than i have within the last 3 years. Seems as I get older, knowledge becomes more interesting. I will be updating this section at times, maybe even drop in anime's I be watching.
I know most would say books like "Rich Dad Poor Dad", but not me, sorry Robert. I enjoyed the hell out of David Goggin's: Can't Hurt Me; That book made me decide to take my life into my own hands. I probably would'nt have started this blog without it.
This one was a bit harder to choose from but, "The Mountain is You" is definitely up there for me. If you are ever in a sitation in life where you feel stagnant. This is really the one for you because in most cases. The mountain is You!! Start Climbing!
Last but not least, I find this one to be very complimentary to my second choice, this is "Atomic Habits". If you find yourself stuck in a loop, doing the same thing everyday and feeling unfulfilled, this is the book for you. time to disrupt your pattern and change your habits and get 1% better every day!
I have a lot of ideas, just like a lot of you. Assuming people are here and reading this. Donations are definitely not required, but they are greatly appreciated. I will say most of my ideas are expensive so I wont ever deny a kind hearted donation. My work may be similar to others, but my personality sure as hell is not and i want to keep showing that in my work!